
gone with the wind

Gone with the Wind
(1939) a US film, based on a novel by Margaret Mitchell. Many people think it is one of the greatest romantic films ever made. It tells the story of a beautiful, determined woman called Scarlett O'Hara, acted by Vivien Leigh, who lives in Georgia during the American Civil War. She marries Rhett Butler, acted by Clark Gable, but treats him badly.
1. Evaporation takes place more quickly when there is wind or sunshine.

2. Evening came and a cold wind was blowing.

3. Wind is invisible.

4. The ship was combating with the wind and waves.

5. The wind is blowing from the east.

6. The wind propels a sailing boat.

7. The sea ridges under the wind.

8. The yacht was scudding along before the wind.

9. The wind shifted from east to north.

10. The wind is sinking.
